Think before you speak. Read before you think.
-Fran Lebovitz
Be more - What to do when you can’t do anymore!
We are complex beings capable of incredible creativity, intimate connection, and immeasurable compassion. But too often, we get in our own way.
We struggle between head and heart; between wanting more ease and feeling compelled to expend more effort; between strategizing to get what we want and desperately wanting to enjoy what we already have.
Frequently we find ourselves too pre-occupied with what’s next to be present for what’s right in front of us. And as we unconsciously project the past on to the future, we rarely escape the fear-fueled state of anxiety that drives us to do more.
And so, no matter how driven and effective we are as leaders, knowledge workers and entrepreneurs, we suffer - in our relationships, in what we do and especially in what we think.
Perhaps we’ve read the books, we know the theory, we’ve discovered our ‘why’ and done some of our healing work, but it’s still not enough. We are not enough.
- How can we be both practical and spiritual?
- How can we be both present and prepared for what’s next?
- How can we contemplate the truths of the cosmos and still cover the mortgage?
- How can we be content with who we are, with what we have achieved and the difference we have made in the world without losing our appetite and ambition for further personal growth, achieving more and making even more of an impact on the world?
Be More is a book about being enough, in fact it’s about learning to acknowledge, accept and act from a place of knowing that you are more than enough.
It’s a playbook to help you rise above your biological programming and cultural conditioning to more fully realize the magnificence of who you are, the magic of human connection and the mystery of your place in the universe.
Too often, success comes at the expense of our health and our most valuable relationships – it’s not often a cost we consciously choose to pay either – it just happens.
That’s pretty much the story of my early “success”. Productivity was the foundation of that success in the early part of a career where everything was judged by the six minute unit; I became really good at delivering for my clients and my employer, outworking, outsmarting and outproducing my peers. I became insanely productive and myopically focused on what I thought would get me to partnership in a top law firm quicker than anyone else. I thought that would benefit my family but I was not necessarily paying attention to what mattered most.
True productivity isn’t getting more done – it is getting more of what matters most, done. And it’s doing that without the stress, overwhelm and anxiety that our hyper-connected, always-on, intensely demanding world often provokes in us. And that’s what this book will help you do.
In this book I explain my three core principles of productivity:
- The Power of “No"
- Don’t Manage Time, Manage Your Energy
- Harness Ritual and Routine, Don’t Be A Slave To Them
And then I give you a set of proven and very practical tools and strategies to implement each one of those principles in your daily life to Unlock a More productive You!